Page 4 - MJM 2024 - E RACE GUIDE
P. 4

Welcoming Letter

                                                                                                              dedicated MJM to fostering a healthy lifestyle

                                                                                                              through popular sport tourism event that will

                                                                                                              spark travelling trends in Indonesia. For this

                                                                                                              reason, we  are  thankful  for  the  solid

                                                                                                              collaboration that has been established with

                                                                                                              Provincial Government of Special Region of

                                                                                                              Yogyakarta and Government of Sleman

           It is a privilege for me to welcome all                                                            Regency,  as  well  as  Government  of  Klaten

           runners,                    including                      international                           Regency in Central Java Province.

           participants, at the annual, most-awaited                                                          For Bank Mandiri, MJM is a concrete

           Mandiri Jogja Marathon (MJM) 2024, on                                                              manifestation of  its  role  as  a  state-owned

           June 30, 2024, in Yogyakarta, a province                                                           enterprise (SOE) to the creation of economic

           in Indonesia widely known for its natural                                                          and social values in a bid to be a more

           beauty, cultural richness, and friendliness                                                        prosperous society. Being part of Bank

           of its people.                                                                                     Mandiri's 26th anniversary celebration, we

           This is a marathon event that o ers a                                                              pray  that  MJM  2024 become  a  comfortable

           unique sensation of running on rural                                                               and safe event, while providing a distinct and

           roads, packed with natural views of rice                                                           long-lasting impression so that it becomes the

            elds and historic temple sites. Not only                                                          most meaningful present for the 268th

           the largest Hindu temple Prambanan                                                                 anniversary of the city of Yogyakarta and the

           Temple, but runners will also enjoy views                                                          26th anniversary of the Ministry of SOEs.

           from Mount Merapi, one of the World’s                                                              Happy Running. See you at the  nish line.

           most active volcano, as well as temples                                                            Finish Strong!

           like Plaosan Lor, Plaosan Kidul, Sewu and

           Bubrah Temple. In addition, runners are

           also            presented                    with             indigenous

           Yogyakarta cultural attractions alongside

           the route, like traditional dances and local

           music to encourage and cheer runners.

           Ever since its  rst in 2017, we have

          02                                                                                      Race Guide - Mandiri Jogja Marathon 2024
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